Okay, I love my son sooo much but today I'm ready to pull my hair out. He is all over the place! If I am doing the dishes, he wants to stand on the dishwasher, if I sweep he runs over and scatters my pile, if I try to do homework he wants to climb in my lap and then onto the table. I let him eat a sucker for breakfast while I got the girls ready for school. I don't know where that sucker is come to think of it? Does anyone else have oatmeal on their wall or Go-gurt in their hair?? You can guess who is in charge at our house!! Maverik!! We love you Mav!
But he is too cute to get mad at, even when he does that high pitched scream! We love you Mav!
Aren't boys so much fun at that age?!?! Too bad their sweet faces mean you can't get angry at them right! Sounds like my life (minus the homework part.)
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Kellie Marzetta
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