I must have done something right in the pre-exsistence, because I got to come to earth with my best friend. She has always been right there for me whenever I needed her. She was and still is a great example to me. Everyone asks how it feels to be a twin and I tell them I don't know what it's like to not be a twin. Someday we will live right next door to each other and be able to go to lunch and shop on our birthday,,,, but for today.... Happy Birthday Sis! I love you more than you know!
I love the new look on your blog and your family photo! Super cute! and I LOVED seeing the pictures of you and your sis! How wonderful sisters are! And happy birthday to you too!! :D
how'd the curling iron shopping go? ;)
Dang! You beat me by far on the thoughtful gift category. I love this post! I wish I would have seen it yesterday...crazy day. I ditto everything there and I am so thankful to have a twin sister...who is so awesome! Happy Birthday, love ya tons!!
To my girls- I love you, these pictures made me cry and laugh!!
It was so fun one of the best days of my life when you were both born well and beautiful. And I am still the luckiest mother in the world. I love you both. Love MOM
What a cute family picture. You all look so good. HOT
Love mom
Better late than never right? Happy Birthday to you. I so had good intentions to call you on your b-day but it was a crazy day - I am sure Brook told you all about it. Love you so much - I might not be one of the twins but I can't tell you how fun it is to have sister that are twins (most of the time!) I am so proud of you two - what amazing people you both are!
You guys look so cute! I love your family picture on here!!
Wow, you two are too cute and look so much a like. I can't wait to see how much a like my boys will be as they get older. Although I can tell them apart pretty easily.
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