Don't you hate it when people never update their blog! How rude:) Brook came up a couple of weeks ago and we had a lot of fun. I had SEP dinners for PTA and Halle had a field trip, so we didn't get to have a lot of free time, not that we really wanted to take 7 kids too many places. We did decide to go to Build A Bear for Mallory and Sydney's B day! The kids all had fun, although I don't think Maverik and Charly quite understood the concept. Here are a couple of photos:

Heading to the Par-Tay!

Everyone and their animals
The stuffing machine!

We went to Applebees afterwards and the balloon man was there! It was great! The kids had a great time! Thanks Tuttles for coming and hangin' out. We love you guys!
So fun! We just went to build a bear with the kids too- they loved it!
Yes RUDE!! I want to see pictures of your remodel PLEASE?
It's about time you updated!! I hate not seeing new photos and stories, cuz I miss being around you guys!:) But I loved the new stuff and am VERY glad you had fun with your Sis and her family! Tell the kids happy birthday for me!!
cute pictures! I bet you guys had fun! I miss you! We will see you in AZ in a couple of weeks! YAY!
I have always wanted to build a Bear I don't know why? I just have!!! I hope you guys are doing well.. put some pics of the kids Halloween costumes up! They are all so cute!
ARE YOU DONE BUILDING THAT BEAR YET!! I want pictures of your new kitchen. POST SOON!!
Hey, yo! Our build-a-bears have grown old and moved out...I think you need a new post!! I know you are busy with school and things, so I will give you till the end of next week. Then I am going to come to your house and update your blog for you!
Hey if that's what it takes to get you to my house I'll leave this post up all winter :)
Hey! I didn't know you guys had a blog too. Can I add you to my bloglist so I can see when you update? Mine's private now, but if you want an invite send me your e-mail address to I love your family picture. I can't believe how big your kids are getting! Do you remember (one of my first) Sundays in the ward: I sat in front of you in Sac. Meeting and said, "WOW! Your kids are SOOOOOO reverent!" They're good kids and Cameron sure loves Malorie!
Its fun and Good post too.
BPO work from home
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