The stuffing machine!

The stuffing machine!
All my cute kids. They grow up too fast! I love you guys!
Mallory and I went with 6 other ladies to a Breaking Dawn Party. We ate at Tucanos and went shopping and then over to Borders bookstore for Trivia and games. Mallory knew all the trivia and won some prizes. We were number 90 in line! We got our books quick! Mallory read for about 3 days straight and then I read it! We loved it.
As soon as I can find my cord to my camera I will have pics of James and Mav at their first fathers and son's outing and our trip to Home Depot to see Tony Stewarts car! And 1st day of school pics soon to come!
5,800+ gallons diesel fuel consumed
180+ fill ups
20 oil changes equaling 60 gallons of oil
Countless number of trips to AZ
One new set of tires
My most recent addition is the RanchHand Bumper replacement that I got from my good buddy Alan. Not only is it massive and beefy, it is also bomb proof and comes with a 15K winch option. Thanks Alan for the bumper and helping me get it mounted up. Haven't hit anything with it yet, but I feel sorry for what ever is brave enough to jump out in front of my truck (insert evil laugh here).